Monday 2 May 2016

Creating a rubric!

Hello everyone!

We are we are in the final stretch of concluding the Bilingual Master, and we can see how is it becoming more difficult. We work with CLIL methodology and in the final lap we are developing our HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills) because we are going to evaluate.

A rubric helps us to evaluate our class and if we give it to our students, they will know which aspects they have to improve.

I used because is one of the easiest and cleanest tools to elaborate one. The evaluation I created is composed by the steps that an e-Project has to follow. First as teachers we have to observe how the groups works. Then we are going to know about the e-Project through different places, social networks, posters, videos, etc. Then we are going to glance it, looking if it is interesting or not. After that, if it is interesting, we are going to read it.

I put in practice the rubric and it suits with some of my classmates e-Projects, but I develop as if I were a teacher in a class, so the group work I could not evaluate it because I do not have reference, however they made a great effort and everything is perfectly explained in their blogs. 

It is difficult to create an evaluation that fits all the projects, but that is the main goal of this challenge. So that is why we need to do it, because is something that will help us as teachers, and for the students to guide their works.

Hope you like it and feel free to asses me with the rubric!

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